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Technology - EASE Focus

What is EASE Focus?

EASE Focus software allows modelling of an acoustic source in a simple two-dimensional view to assist optimizing a system for any particular venue. It predicts the direct field created by the complex addition individual loudspeakers or array components in a large system and allows system installers using this package to determine the proper flying or mounting points and the correct dispersion angles for the enclosures.

Ease Focus provides accurate predictions of line array performance using the same acoustic engine as Ease, the industry standard software for simulating and designing acoustic environments and sound systems.

The purpose of EASE Focus is to provide the end user with a tool that allows effective prediction of the array performance in any given venue.

    • System Aiming with a color mapped display
    • Detailed rigging display with a full printed report
    • Displayed SPL's over audience area
    • COM and tilt angle calculation for selected audience locations
    • Interactive frequency response cursors and EQ capabilities
    • Auto splay functions

Ease Focus provides a range of vital acoustic calculations including:
    • SPL in 1/3rd octaves, octaves, 3 octaves, broadband
    • RMS, program and peak levels
    • Flat and A-weighted levels
    • Air attenuation according to ISO 9613
    • Amplitude shading
    • Optimized SPL calculation routines for interactive aiming

The program is based on the Microsoft.NET platform, and requires .NET Framework 1.1. Ease Focus runs best in a Microsoft Windows XP/2000 environment, but will also run under earlier Windows versions provided they have the latest system updates.

The scientific base of EASE Focus stems from EASE, the professional electro- and room acoustic simulation software developed by Acoustic Design Ahnert (ADA), Berlin, Germany. EASE Focus software is created by ADA's sister company, Software Design Ahnert GmbH (SDA) Berlin, Germany.

The EASE Focus Aiming Software is publicly available and it is free to download.

Download the full program and VTC data files for EASE Focus HERE.

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